Tuesday, January 30, 2018

America Land of the Free

by Jon Dunnemann

Let us stop laboring at being democrats or republicans and simply be full-fledged Americans.

This requires a willingness on our part to let go of our past positions and the courage to start anew.

Real and lasting progress can only be made if we accept the common understanding that we all wish to be seriously listened to, to be treated with loving kindness and a sense of fairness, to uphold civility, to be protected from the misdeeds of self and others, and to acknowledge and respect the morality that we each find in our inherited culture and belief systems, and thereby act as members of a much broader humanity.

This outlook completely changes how we see and respond to the most threatening dilemmas that we find ourselves presently facing (i.e., alcohol and drug abuse, child prostitution, corruption, domestic violence, fraud and misconduct,  gang culture and gun violence, global warming, homelessness and poverty, infectious disease, prejudice and religious intolerance and terrorism and war).

This is our America, 'Land of the Free'. And we don't have to nor should we ever allow ourselves to settle for anything less than who we are in terms of our collective national identity and yet to be fulfilled.  

It should be abundantly clear by now that a constant and narrow focus on special interests never were and never will be in the best interests of all Americans.

That is what presumably makes the American idea an exceptional one right here in the land of the brave and in the hearts and minds of newcomers yearning to thoroughly experience freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as welcomed residents and eventual citizens in the land of the free..

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