Friday, May 6, 2016

A Look Outside Myself

By Jon Dunnemann

Here I am in a lonely room of self-imposed separation. Nothing more than a malcontent left to dwell over a lack of outward connection.

My ardent effort to be made free and independent resembles that of shackled and weighted down beast whose past fullness of life all at once is slowly being squeezed right out of me.

Had I known that this stranger called ignorance would be so cruel and unrelenting then I would surely have remained outside myself, there among the arthropods, the winged creatures, and even my own worst enemies.

For that I imagine, would be far better than this frigid, emotionless, jagged edged terrain where upon the desolate dragon stalks me and I am deeply entrapped in this perpetual reclusiveness.

Desperately, I continue to search for the doorway back outside myself hoping to somehow stumble into the conjoined breath of otherness, the spirit of harmony, and the radiant warmth of an everlasting friendship or closeness.

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