Saturday, December 21, 2013

Transformation (inner calm and well-being)

To respond to life's ever-changing conditions with inner peace and compassion for the other, may require disciplined, contemplative practice that transforms our fundamental perceptions of life, others, and self (Kass, 2008). 
"The person’s will, like the mind, is transformed, it no longer seeks selfish ends and becomes more other-centered." ~ Brother Wayne Teasdale, Christian monk, author, and lecturer
"The world seems a different place, with a new sense of meaning, harmony and beauty."
"And this isn't just a temporary change. The initial intensity of the experience may fade after a few days, but you're never the same again. You're filled with a permanent sense of well-being and a new appreciation for life." ~ Steve Taylor, author and lecturer
"By respecting the spirit, we enable it to grow as it should." ~ Theodore Roosevelt Mallach, author


The Key elements of transformation consist of the following:

  • Intelligence (cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual) 
  • Reflection (journaling, mature prayer, meditation, mindfulness, and yoga)
  • Transcendence (awakening, frame-shifting, and interconnectedness)

Transformation occurs, when the sense of self along with changes to the nature of one's habitual mental states and spiritual practices changes and one's sense of self-direction over them changes as opposed to being under their control. Individuals then feel themselves transformed at the level of the self-concept, because what the individual perceives as self, its content has overwhelmingly changed.

As individuals, we shouldn't play a role that doesn't fit. Every person needs to find his own way of doing things: his or her own style that is genuine and true and that doesn't follow a popular fashion (Nada & Mueller, 2006).

Jon Dunnemann