Friday, February 21, 2014

As For Me And My Calling

"But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a person and the life they lead?" ~ Albert Camus

As for me, now well into the second half of my life, I have gained awareness as a 'being-at-work' of soul in accordance with the active pursuit of virtue.

My "ultimate concern" is to be a person of good counsel and example to youth regardless of the setting. Ideally, I would like to create an organization where authentic leadership is enlivened and guided by a solid ethical core (1) the moral character of its leader, (2) the ethical values embedded in its director's vision, articulation, and program, and (3) the morality of the processes of ethical choice and action that all of its leaders and associates engage in and collectively pursue to foster the kind of organization that brings out the very best in people - gratitude, harmony, humility, love, charity, compassion, good works, reason, universal brotherhood, and the sharing of both power and authority with others.

My attention is primarily focused on experiencing a state of calm presence, emotional equilibrium, clarity of thinking, solidarity and wisdom.

The intention of my heart is to live in a harmonious and altruistic way, actively motivated by the love of God, the experience of union with Him, and the love of thy neighbor.

At the top of my list of important personal goals are the following:
  1. To be a helper, a spiritual being, and wisdom seeker (aware, attentive, humble, intentional, hopeful, joyful, kind, loving, and experienced with change, suffering, brokenness, and the challenges of the renewal process and wholeness) and acknowledge people as being spiritual in nature, with unique purpose in life and a desire for meaning;
  2. To be a Spiritual Practitioner who is on an individuating, humane and compassionate self-developmental journey (not predicated by any religious beliefs or injunctions) in passionate pursuit of transformative learning through a process of critical reflection; and
  3. To encourage the expression of other people’s unique gifts, talents, and the pursuit of their inner journey of self-exploration and in the larger world; and
  4. To honor my true calling which I believe to be finding ways to facilitate the maturing of others in a "psycho-spiritual" sense, while fostering goodness, and advocating the upholding humanitarian values.

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